It's around midnight, the moon is being faded out by the lights in the city. The traffic is dying down and everyone is starting to go to their pathetic places they call a home. I say that because, home isn't just some box where you hate life, but these poeple got comfortable like everyone else in this world and makde this dead beat place their home. As usual I sat beside one of the bums on the bench because he's drunk enough to see me. He's always here to listen so I mean why not talk to him. We looked out at the people rushing home, and the people in the restaurants too timid to kiss each other, or the couple up in the aparentments fighting over the bills, with their son holding himself in the windown next to the balcony. We just sat here in the rain watching life go on. "If only these people knew what they were doing. I mean we see it everyday, decade, century. You work to provide, and then you die. Or you have a family, they forget you in a nursing home and you die. You die in an accident, and for some reason no matter how many stories you hear about people that die everyday you all still worry about what you do day to day. I'll let you in on a little secrete no one cares. Yep, no one gives a shit if you feel for someone, no one cares if you do what you love or if you hare it for the rest of your loneseome life. You shouldn't care either, your lives are so short you forget to enjoy it. You all worry so much about what other people think and what sort of image you portay when in the end, no one will give a shit the next day or month or year." The drunk man looked at me as if I were crazy but, he humored me with his opions. "not all of us have a bigger purpose, like you do" I smiled a little and I was a but impressed that he knew what I was, but I shook my head and took a breath in the cold breezy air as I watched it flow away from me. While I watched it fade I saw her... I saw her in the rain, walking as if rain wasn't pouring down. She smiled at the sky, with her leather jacket on she walked over the bridge just beautiful. I couldn't even describe the type of beauty it was, She was just poetic, the way she smiled at the dark sky and the cold rain. The longer she walked the more I saw the smile fade into a tornado of thoughts. I followed her around the city, honestly I wondered where the fuck her house was because it was so cols and even I was ready to ger to some shelter. Her on the other hand just seemed like she had more questions rising as the time went on. She walked under a lightpole next to a phone booth. She started to dial a number but, when I came into the light she put up the phone and looked directly into my eyes. "So this is it?" I looked around hoping she wasn't talking to me, but when realized she was I wanted to kill death itself. I took a step closer to her and shook my head. "Im afraid so" She knew where she was, and somehow she knew who I was. She looked up at the sky and took a breath, I've never been able to hold her so I wasn't sure what to do except be here like I have my entire life. "Is it normal to forget everything?" I held out my hand for her to hold and I took her to the only beautiful spot in this dreadful town. We sat together and honestly I hated seeing her here, this is why I exist and I failed. She didn't ask me how, or what happened, she was as pure as I remember her, she was honestly the truest part of herself here. "SO you're my guardian angel?" I didn't think an introduction was appropriate right now so I just nodded and let her ask her questions. "So why can't i remember anyone? My name? My family? Why can't I remember what my life was like out there?" "Because after life you are you. You aren't who people turned you into, you aren't a sister, daughter, friend, coworker. You are you, and the purest version of you. Some people come up here worried about their money, some people come up here worried about what people said, what happened. In this life none of that matters. The only thing that matters when you die is what did you leave behind, did you make something bigger than yourself. Were you everything and more, did you appreicate life, did you love instead of worrying who cared. You need to love the people that love you, you need to care for people that have nothing, you need to give more of yourself. You were supposed to love life and darling you lived a poetic life." She smiled and looked out at the city, she leaned her head on my shoulder and took a deep breath. "Why was it my time to go?" I honesly had no answer but, I did what i could to answer it. "Everyone serves a purpose, no ones truly ready to go. No one really thinks thet're next until they wake up here. Your time is up when your purpose is served, or if the big guy sees a better ending for others by letting you go. Some people see life differently when a loved one dies and they are better off up here than down there. There is always a reason, for why we bring you home." She truly lived ike an angel. She loved everyone that loved her, even when it brought her heartaches to the point her heart nearly gave out and I was there. I was always there, I was there when she would cry in the car and I had to keep the truck driver from hitting her by a milisecond. I was there when her parents screamed, I gave her dreams to forget where she was. I was there when she made her first paining and she was so proud even though it looked like shit. I was there when she wanted to rip all of her hardwork to pieces because it wasn't perfect. I was there for her first steps, and when she thought she could control the ocean, I was always there to protect her and it was her time. Don't forget to live a poetic life, not a day to day drag just ebcause you have to be alive. KNow life is worth living and it will be as beaufitul as you can make it.