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The Wild Flower

The beauty in a wild flower is not its petals, it's it location and its journey. A wild flower can grow anywhere, in any weather, little water or tons of water. It can bloom no matter the situation it's in. Unlike a rose where they get constant attention, perfect temperature, perfect amount of water and sunlight. A wild flower has no one to take care of it, yet the majority of the time it becomes the most beautiful flower. At the time the wild flower may not know if it' would bloom,but it does. The seed might get digested by an animal and planted that way, or it might get taken by the wind and buried on accident. One day no matter how it got there it'll carry out its purpose. It will bloom and no matter the situation it will live and die as we all do but, it will have seeds and they will have a journey on their own

Same with people, you might not know why you are going through something but, it's all apart of your purpose to bloom and become who you are meant to be.

Same with people, the true beauty of a person isn't it's outer appearance it is the character that makes up that person. People can be raised anywhere, in any situation but how they come out of the situation shows their true beauty. You can be brought up rich and famous and be a complete jack ass or you could use that fame and fortune and actually do something with it. You could be brought up in the worst side of the streets and you could join gangs and run around smuggling drugs or you could be the person that brings the light to the streets. The way you react in situations defines who you are. You think a flower would grow in the concrete if it went any way but, up? No it has to go towards the sunlight to show its beauty. It has to slide or break through that hard rock and concrete to show everyone that it was alive and well.

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