What do you want out of life? Is a question many cannot answer, some say love, some say success. There are many that can't give an answer; my answer is everything. I want everything life can give me, I don't mind heartache because life is all about hard times and hard times make you a stronger person and hard times teach you to appreciate everything a little more. The good times are sweeter after hard times, I want to do it all. You might say that takes money and yes money is a necessity but, when you look back are you going to be happy with tons of money in the bank or tons of memories. You can have both and more power to you if you do, I'm not saying blow everything off and party. I'm saying be smart but, at the same time live a life you can look back and say you've done it all. When you look back and you're old with grandchildren and they ask you what did you do when you were younger. Do you want to say work? Or do you want to say I did it all, I got to live.
What's the point of life anyways? Work your whole life to save up money for retirement? Or to live, help people, and look back and be proud. An older teacher of mine got the pleasure of going into a bank and looking at all of the money. He said there was a pile of money and said it was 5 million dollars, just a stack of paper lying on the ground. He said it was the most depressing part of his entire life because he say it as his life. He works all day to attempt at saving money and setting up for retirement, why would you work years and years just for a stack of paper to lay in the bank. (In case of emergency, retirement, EXCUSES) Live, go out use some of that saved up money and make memories, you are young you are free to do as you wish. Go and make memories, get all you can out of life, life doesn't last long so get out there and do something with it!! Be Proud of Your LIfe!