Who am I? That is an extremely common question. Only you can answer that, you aren't your looks, height, or career. Most people wish to be normal; for a while I did too. Until I saw who I was as an individual. You are you, no one else can become you. Everyone has their own individual qualities, once you see what they are and you find what makes you happy then you will see who you are. There's this old saying "You aren't done yet" Life will take you through hell sometimes and it's not because you are unlucky; it's because life is making you who you are meant to be. Life can be hard but, who you become in these times are who you are. If you wish to be someone else all you want but, the beauty of you being you is no one can be you. You are special and everyone had a purpose, the people you meet are here to teach you a lesson or you are there to teach them something. Once you become confident in who you are and love who you are then you will know who you are. It will take a while I'm not saying it will happen over night and maybe it might. Life is a journey and journey's consist of going up and down hills. You are here for a reason, no one dies automatically they die when their time is done. When you fulfilled your purpose then your time will come. It's sad and terrifying I know but if you live as if everyday is your last then it will be a better life. If you are in a fight with someone stop fighting and act as if you were going to say goodbye the next day. Live everyday as if it's your last, make every I love You sweeter. Show your loved ones how much you love them, I don't know about you but when i die I want to leave with a ton of people saying I made their life a little sweeter. I thought it was ironic how they made a game of life. You might have hear of it, the game of life is the person with the best job, most money and most kids won the game. They made it to where, life is a game. Maybe it's just me thinking about it too hard ha but, i don't think that's what life's about. It's about finding out who you are, what you bring to the world, and if life's hard right now then that means you're getting stronger. Life is more than a game, it's about you being all you can be. You are unique and no one can be you, be confident in yourself.