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Change your Perspective on Life

You know something that will never change? Perspective, how everyone sees the world I see the world as we were all once brothers and sisters but, the flood came and the only thing that changed was the land, but when the land changed as did the people. People started seeing borders and walls, and all of the sudden we aren’t all brothers and sisters now we are different colors, races, religions but I still see us all as one. Yes we might all have different cultures and beliefs but in the end we are all human. People are raised to believe and think the way they do, no one just hates or thinks differently of anyone as a child. If you put different races of children together they will all play together, they don’t care about differences unless their parents raised them to believe differently.

Perspective can be taught, but it can also be changed. One thing people tend to forget is that we are not on this earth to work, eat, sleep and die. We are here to live, laugh, be kind, give others a reason to smile, learn, try new things, we are here to make this world go round. There is a cycle to everything we do. If one person has a bad day on the bus or at work and lashes out to everyone, everyone will tend to have a bad day, so when they go home their families will have to see them angry because of that one person. But if that one angry person looked around before lashing out and saw everyone happy and smiling before they lashed out things might have been different. You never know anyone’s situation but, do your best to make everyone around you be happy even if it means faking a smile. You can rewire your brain to be happier more often if you learn to hold your tongue when you’re upset, or if you smile a little more often, the type of music has a huge effect on your emotions. It is true that if you are negative then negative things will happen to you, same with being positive. You can literally rewire your brain to do anything, for positivity you must think about 3 good things every time you feel down. Something that makes you smile, whether it be a memory, a joke, a movie whatever that good thing is; hold onto it and anytime you feel down remember it. Along the way try to find new things that make you happy to do them constantly, it may take time but eventually you will see better results throughout your life.

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