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Downtown Story Time ;)

Everything in this world has a meaning, every single thing that happens. At the time we might not understand why or how it will help us but, there is always a reason. There is a lesson behind every bad thing, and good thing.

For instance, I was running late today I had to go down town in Houston, Texas to get my passport. As you can possibly tell I am not from the big city, I am from calm little towns, there is no noise, there is not really such thing as getting booted or towed. I am usually smiling, I say hello to everyone if someone needs to talk I will sit and talk with them. That's just the way I am, so I was running late I walk into the passport place and i have to go through the metal detector the security guards were very fun and one of them and I are now friends. So I rode up the elevator and while I was in line I met this very kind man from Turkey. We got to talking and we spoke about life, and its meaning. We came to agreement that most peoples goal in life is to become rich in money.

However we should become rich in love, experiences, making people happy. We went to a coffee shop and we talked and it was a good time. I realized today that if you don't make time for others and you are constantly running around "working" or living your daily life and you are too busy to take a few moments out of this short life to enjoy a moment with a new person than you aren't living life. You are living a work schedule, I know it pays the bills but when you die will your money miss you? Or will the people that you took time to help, and listen to. No one knows 100% what happens after death but, I know for certain that the money we make here will not follow us to the next stage after life. This man walked me around the city as we searched for my car because I am scatter brained and forgot where I parked and along the way we stopped and spoke to different people, we made people smile. If I didn't take those few moments i would have just gone to work and would have never made those people smile, I would have never seen the paintings on the buildings or enjoyed spending time with that kind man. After walking around the city and talking to the kind people of Houston I of course got booted because apparently there is no mercy when you loose your car. However I got to make the security guard in the parking lot smile, he told me a few stories of hilarious things people do when they get booted and it was nice.

So I was running late I met a kind man, walked around the city searching for my lost car, met some kind people after I got booted and in the end I am happy for my experience in the great city of Houston. I got to see the good, bad and ugly yet sort of pretty side of it.

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