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Live a Happy Healthy Life:)

​Today I thought it would be good to share a few health tips and share some knowledge about foods that are better for you than some prescribed medications. The government has been in control of our foods and our medicines for years and I'm going to share some natural remedies to help everyone be happier and healthier. We as people have gotten lazy, and the government has made billions of dollars on our laziness. It's easy for us to go to a doctor and for them to give us drugs to make whatever our problem is to just go away, we microwave our food instead of cooking foods and we wonder why people are more sick than ever. We as American's have gotten lazy and we have seen each other getting sick, cancerous, and dying because of weak knees but, we need to wake up and start being better to ourselves and our families. Here are a few neurological chemicals and their functions.

  • Serotonin- Chemical for sleep and depression. It also is a major role in many essential functions such as appetite, arousal and your mood. Most of Serotonin is stored in your intestines and is why food is a major numerator for certain reactions.

  • Dopamine- Controls behavior, emotion, cognition, also communicates with pleasure and reward. Dopamine is related to movement which is a main reason for causing Parkinson’s Disease.

  • Glutamate- the most common excitatory neurotransmitter, found throughout spine, and brain. It controls early brain development, cognitive, learning, and memory. Extremely important yet, no one’s really heard of it?

  • Norepinephrine- AKA noradrenaline sort of like a hormone, it’s main role is stress. Fight or Flight reaction. Also helps maintain blood pressure.

  • Cortisol- released when stressed and causes memory loss.

Schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorder, autism, and Parkinson’s disease are all cases of chemical imbalances, yet, the food we eat has none of the benefits or vitamins we need. When people say a disease is hereditary it’s because families eat the same foods for the most parts. Families share recipes, some have the same taste buds and share foods. So when people say a disease is hereditary it’s actually not from the blood line it’s from the foods we all eat. If the Government actually cared for our health and the future of the nation rather than power and money they would be trying to make everything better. So I’m here to tell everyone what herbs, vegetables, fruits can do more than the medications they have been prescribing.

Natural Remedies.

Too much of anything is too harmful so don’t go crazy with one herb.

  • Rosemary- can increase memory by 75%, it holds antioxidants and anti inflammatory compounds. Improves Digestion, Neurological protection, Prevent brain aging, Kills Cancer, Protects against macular degeneration.

How to use Rosemary- Cooking herbs, can put in sandwiches, salads dips, and even used as cooking oil.

  • Basil- Adaptogenic herb (meaning it manages stress), antibacterial properties ( boost immune system and fights off pre-existing infections) fights and prevents cancer, inflammatory herb, protects white blood cells, and fights radical damage.

How to use Basil- Pesto, Oil, Soups, Salads, Pizza, Seafood dishes, Etc.

  • Garlic- has been documented to been used as medicines for centuries! Boosts Immune System. The common cold and flu is reduced by 70% in one day of using garlic. Reduces Blood Pressure, “600-1,500 mg of aged garlic is just as effective as Atenolol at Reducing Blood Pressure” Meaning it can end heart-attacks, hypertension, and High blood Pressure, Lowers Cholesterol, Sexual Stamina by increasing blood flow. Pretty much any heart disease or blood clots, blood flow problems can be cured by using garlic in your diet. According to 2018 Healthline Media. Joe Leech, MS on June 28, 2018

  • Ginseng- Boosts energy, lowers blood sugar and cholesterol levels, reduces stress, promotes relaxation, treats diabetes, and manages sexual dysfunction in men, Sharper Cognitive Functions, treats erectile dysfunctions, prevents Flu by ensuring survival for epithelial cells. Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK. By Joseph Nordqvist

Uses of Ginseng- tea, soups, and oil

  • Linden- is used to induce sweating for feverish colds, and infections. Relieves irritation in throat, stops coughing, treats high blood pressure, helps calm infants, joint pains, itching, helps heal wounds.

Used as- Tea

  • Aloe Vera- treats burns, and various skin conditions, digestions, heals wounds, heartburn, lowers blood sugar. keep produce fresh, mouthwash, and pain reliever. Ant aging, anti- inflammatory properties, keeps skin hydrated. Ziff Davis, LLC. Everyday Health

Uses- It’s a Gel from inside the plant.

  • Chai Seeds- weight loss and a good source of fiber, iron etc.

  • Leafy Greens are- full of magnesium, and brings out water from gut for hydration. Gives your body foliate ( keeps good genes and makes the better genes stronger by methylation.) burns fat, anti-aging qualities, helps with your cardiovascular health, fights diabetes, protects against toxins and UV rays, builds enzymes,

These are just a few examples, which goes to show that natural foods and cures re extremely better than any sort of thing the government or any drugs they are going to prescribe you. When you could just plant the cures in your backyard or a flower pot.

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